Dentist in Wellesley
What We Treat
Smile, You’re on the Right Track
With our Treatment Planning Tool, you can select your exact areas of concern and get personalized treatment recommendations.
A Letter From the Doctor
I was first drawn to the idea of becoming a dentist because I come from a family of healthcare providers, and I knew from my early childhood that one great healthcare professional can make all the difference in the lives of so many people.
When I was putting dedicated consideration into what area of healthcare I would pursue at the end of my undergraduate studies, I knew that I wanted to focus on a specialty that would give more people an opportunity to have a longer and healthier life.
This reflection drew me to dentistry because there is a wealth of information that clearly shows that oral health is linked to so many aspects of maintaining a healthy body.
It was notable that few people were aware of the power and control they would have over their personal wellness if they simply had a dentist who was willing to look at their health as a whole when rendering treatment.
I knew that I needed to become a dentist who could provide that level of care.
My practice is a place that is entirely focused on the client experience, and it is so important to me that I build in enough time for everyone to feel appreciated. I have expertise in solving even the most complex cases and finding real solutions for those who come to my office.